



目標金額 2,000,000円


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Hokyuann Club is asking for donations to preserve Hokyuann, an amazing, exceptional thatch-roofed house.  Hokyuann is an eco-friendly hermitage built by well-known Japanese architect, Takekuni Ikeda.  Your donations will help local carpenters pass down Japanese traditional architectural techniques.  They will also let us continue our mission to deliver Japanese traditional culture.  Please read English below for more details.



















邦久庵倶楽部では、建物の一般公開や定期的な大掃除を開催したり、二十四節気にあわせた文化風習を体験するワークショップ(例えば二十日恵比寿のお祭り、味噌づくり、七夕祭りなど)を主催し、池田武邦さんの著書『二十一世紀は江戸に学べ』を体現する取り組みを進めてきました。同時に、安定的に建物の保存活用に協力してくれる邦久庵にふさわしいオーナー探しを進め、日本文化を愛するイギリス人・Jonathan Denbyさんと出会い、邦久庵の所有権を継承してもらうことに成功しました。2019年以降、Jonathanさん率いる国際色豊かな「株式会社SLOW LIFE JAPAN」のメンバーと池田さんの理念をしっかり受け継いだ「一般社団法人邦久庵倶楽部」のメンバーが連携し、楽しみながらみんなで学ぶスタイルで、建物の保存活用に取り組んできました。






SLOW LIFE JAPANと邦久庵倶楽部は、邦久庵のシンボルとしての茅葺き屋根を絶対に維持していくべく、まずは数年後の補修を予定して活動してきました。しかし、2020年、大きな台風が立て続けに長崎を襲いました。裏山に隠れるように建つ邦久庵は致命的なダメージにこそ至りませんでしたが、屋根の茅が随分と飛ばされ、抜け落ちて、一気に屋根面の傷みが進んでしまいました。











私たちは、邦久庵を最初に建てたときに茅葺き屋根を手掛けた茅葺き職人の棟梁・三苫義久さん(株式会社 奥日田美建)に相談しました。年々、茅葺き職人は少なくなっており、文化財の補修などで日々忙しくされている三苫さんですが、「池田先生の家」の屋根の近況を聞き、「次の台風が来る前になんとしても」との思いから、合間を縫って時間を確保してくださり、2021年5月に補修工事に取り掛かっていただけることになりました。






池田さんは、なぜ茅葺き屋根で終の住処を建てたのか。 「自然を畏怖する心を忘れてはならない」と常々語った池田武邦さんが目指したのは、自然の一部としてふさわしい「土に還る」建築でした。地域で採れる自然の材料で、断熱性・調湿性に優れた茅葺き屋根は、そのシンボルとして採用されたのです。現代においては、茅葺き屋根のような伝統工法技術を、後世に伝承する機会がほとんどありません。邦久庵を建てようと計画していた頃、「私の弟子は、伝統工法の家に携わったことがない」という地元の大工であった志田功一さんの嘆きをふと聞いた池田武邦さんは、長く時間をかけて培われた地元の技術が途絶えてしまうことを強く危惧し、自分の家で存分にその技術を伝承してくれ、と依頼したのです。    










邦久庵は今年で築20年。まだまだこれからの建築です。屋根の補修が終われば、オーナーである「SLOW LIFE JAPAN」とボランティアチーム「邦久庵倶楽部」がそれぞれの役割を引き続きこなして、邦久庵を継承し、活用していきます。


SLOW LIFE JAPANは邦久庵を、日本型スローライフを発信する地域拠点として運営していきます。運営にはまだまだいろいろな設えを整えていく必要がありますが、地元の畑で育てた野菜を来訪者に提供するなど、日本の田舎暮らし、日本の文化を愛する人に滞在してもらう場所をじっくりとつくっていく予定です。すでに、邦久庵のとなりの休耕地を借りて、多国籍のメンバーたちがいろんな伝統野菜作りに励んでいます。


SLOW LIFE JAPANのメンバーが休耕地を借りて、キッチンガーデンづくりをはじめています。




建築家・池田武邦さんの集大成であるこの建築とその環境を「恒久的に保全し、伝える」ことは何よりも大切な活動です。SLOW LIFE JAPANのメンバーと池田さんの理念を共有すること。邦久庵を訪れてくれた方々にそうした場所であることをしっかり伝えていくこと。今までのような建物一般公開の活動もひろく続けていきたいですし、建築を志す若い人たちに「自然との共生」「自然への畏怖」に本気でむきあうことの重要性を知ってもらう機会もつくっていきたい。池田さんの建築思想をいろんな方々に知っていただけるようなパネル展なども開催したいと考えています。



















邦久庵倶楽部とSLOW LIFE JAPAN。こういう活動をしてくれると邦久庵も生き続けるなと思って、次の世代に任せることにした。建物も喜ぶ。ぜひ続けてもらいたい。活動の場をちゃんとセッティングできれば、みんな足を運んでくださると思う。こういう場をつくり続ける、つかい続ける、というのが大事なんだ。皆さんも、ぜひご支持・ご支援いただければ幸いです。





邦久庵倶楽部ホームページ (Our Website)


邦久庵倶楽部ホームページ https://www.hokyuann.com

邦久庵倶楽部Facebookページ https://www.facebook.com/hokyuann



Hokyuann : a Place to Live and Respect the Nature


Hokyuann viewed from the Omura Bay.  


What is Hokyuann? Hokyuann was built by a well-known architect, Takekuni Ikeda, as his own final home, and is facing the Omura Bay in Nagasaki, Japan.  Mr. Ikeda's remarkable works include Japan's first skyscraper, the Kasumigaseki Building.  He also designed the Keio Plaza Hotel and the Shinjuku Mitsui Building from the 1960s to 1970s. However, Mr. Ikeda recognized state-of-the-art technology and artificial environment were not something that human beings, one with nature, should achieve.  He then emphasized architecture where humans can acknowledge the nature.  A thatch-roofed house, Hokyuann, is the one he finally figured out.   His idea shifted from skyscrapers to thatch-roofed houses.  Hokyuann was named after the Chinese letters of the Ikeda's; "Ho (邦)" is from Mr. Ikeda's first name, Takekuni (武邦) and “kyu (久)” is from Mts. Ikeda's first name, Hisako (久子).  The hermitage was completed in 2001 when Mr. Ikeda was 77 years old.  It stands on a small cape, called "Biwanokubihana" in Saikai-City, Nagasaki.  Hokyuann was built with as much as local materials and traditional architectural techniques. The still, epeiric sea makes Hokyuann possible to stand right next to the ocean. 


The deck.  Mr. Ikeda, a former navy officer, must have associated Hokyuann with a ship. 


The great view from the deck.  Mr. Ikeda thought human beings are belong to the nature.  He designed this deck as a place to communicate with the natural surroundings.  Since the deck is facing the due west, the sun goes down right ahead of you on both the spring and autumn equinox.  Mr. Ikeda enjoyed the view of Omura Bay from the deck in the afternoon and checked the date and time by observing the sun.  That is the way Mr. Ikeda coexists with the nature.  Although the Omura Bay is still like a lake, a strong wind hits Hokyuann from the south when a typhoon arrives.  A hill located in the south of the hermitage protects it from tryphoons.  In general, houses in Japan open in the south for good ventilation and views but Hokyuann does so in the east and west.  Such architectures would not be found in any other places in Japan. 


Mr. Ikeda now is 97 years old.  At the age of 90, he found it difficult to live in Hokyuann and had to go back to Tokyo.  Houses will get damaged if no one lives in.  Hokyuann sends a message to us, who live in the 21st century with crucial environmental issues.  A volunteer team, Hokyuann Club, was established in 2017 to maintain and share Hokyuann with the world. 


Hokyuann Club regularly holds an event at Hokyuann such as open house, general cleaning, and workshops to experience Japanese traditional culture such as Hatsukaebisu, miso-making and Tanabata festival.  They have been setting a place to experience what is said in Mr. Ikeda's book, "二十一世紀は江戸に学べ."  The title of the book means to take the lifestyle of Edo period in the 21st century.  Hokyuann Club was also looking for a new owner of Hokyuann to preserve the hermitage.  They finally met a British gentleman Mr. Jonathan Denby who loves Japanese culture and he now owns the beautiful building.  Starting 2019, a general incorporated association, Hokyuann Club, which embraces and shares Mr. Ikeda's cause, have cooperated with Mr. Denby and his company SLOW LIFE JAPAN.  They have been working on maintaining Hokyuann and share Japanese tradition in an enjoyable format.


Taken at a workshop, "Hina Doll Festival and Miso-Making."



The Thatched Roof Is Urgently in Need of Repair due to a Typhoon Hit in 2020 


SLOW LIFE JAPAN and Hokyuann Club had been working on the repair of the thatched roof, the symbol of Hokyuann, around 2025.  However, big typhoons hit Nagasaki in 2020.  Hokyuann did not receive crucial damages thanks to the hill behind the house but a lot of thatch was blown away and the condition of the roof greatly went bad. 


In addition to that, the pandemic of COVID-19 also hit this quiet area.  Regular events to share traditional cultural experience were also canceled for more than a year to keep the local safe.  The less frequent use of the house also has worsened the building.  The pandemic also hits the U.K. where Mr. Denby resides.  Mr. Denby owns guesthouses in the U.K. and opened his hotels as a rest home or quarantine.  The damage in his business and daily life made it difficult for sooner repair of the roof of Hokyuann.


After the typhoons hit in 2020.  They damaged the roof more than expected.


The picture shows the roof of Hokyuann taken in December 2020.  The surface of the roof is really rough and some parts of the roof were slid away.  Thanks to the roof originally having 60cm (about 24 inches) of the thickness, leaking of rain has not been found but an urgent repair is needed.


Repair and Repair Workshop Are Planned Before the Next Typhoon Season


Hokyuann Club contacted Master Thatcher, Yoshihisa, who works for Okuhitabiken.  He thatched Hokyuann's roof when Hokyuann was built in 2001.  The numbers of master thatcher is decreasing in Japan and that makes him very busy with repairing cultural asset.  When he heard of the condition of the roof of Mr. Ikeda's house, it determinately needs a repair before the next typhoon hits, he thought.  He will spare his busy time and fix the roof in May 2021. 


A great repair will be needed but no need of rethatching.  He will maintain the inner thatch and add some new to make the surface smooth.  It will start at the beginning of May and continue till the end of May.  The construction will last for about three weeks.  Once the repair is done, it will take about ten years till next repair.  This repair will cost 2.8 million yen.  Your contribution will greatly help maintain this exceptional architecture. 


The man in gray suit is Master Thatcher, Yoshihisa Mitoma.  He explained the roof in a workshop held in 2019.


Why did Mr. Ikeda build a thatch-roofed house as his final home?  "Do not lose the heart of aweing the nature," is what Mr. Ikeda always says.  He targeted architecture which eventually returns to the ground.  He finally came to an answer: thatched roof that uses local natural materials and has great heat retention and insulation.  Nowadays opportunities to pass down traditional technique are really rare and limited.  When planning to build Hokyuann, a local carpenter Koichi Shida sadly said to Mr. Ikeda that his disciples had never worked on a house built with traditional techniques.  Mr. Ikeda was deeply concerned about lost of local techniques which had passed down for centuries.  He asked the carpenter to use his Hokyuann as a place to share traditional architectural techniques.


Therefore, we believe in that Hokyuann's repair is where many people are exposed to traditional techniques and will gain something important.  During the three weeks of construction, a few workshops will be held so that guests will directly learn from thatcher masters, observe the repair, and support the construction.  We hope the contributors of this crowd-funding will experience and learn something from this exceptional educational material, Hokyuann.


Thatched roof taken inside Hokyuann.  Smoke from the fireplace will reach the roof and will protect it from insects.



Future Outlook of Hokyuann


It has been only 20 years since Hokyuann was built.  It is fairly new.  After the roof repairing, the owner SLOW LIFE JAPAN and the volunteer team Hokyuann Club will respectively take their roles and inherit Hokyuann. 


SLOW LIFE JAPAN manages Hokyuann as a place to deliver Japanese-style of slow life.  It still requires some set-up but will offer a place to experience Japanese country life and culture.  The guests will also receive local vegetables.  Multinational members of SLOW LIFE JAPAN have already been growing traditional vegetables in idle field next to Hokyuann.


Members of SLOW LIFE JAPAN growing vegetables in the field next to Hokyuann.


Hokyuann Club keeps contact with the locals and Mr. Ikeda's friends and deliver the lifestyle with natural environment including the Omura Bay, traditional techniques and local culture.  Aside from seasonal workshops, we would like to offer a place to experience a tea ceremony and Noh that the Ikeda's enjoyed when living in Hokyuann.


To permanently preserve and deliver Hokyuann, a compilation of Mr. Ikeda's work, and its surrounding is Hokyuann Club's crucial mission.  We will share Mr. Ikeda's philosophy with SLOW LIFE JAPAN and the guests.  We would like to continue having open house and give an opportunity to future architects to face "coexisting with the nature" and "awing the nature."  We also believe that a panel discussion will be a great opportunity to deliver Mr. Ikeda's architectural philosophy to many people.


The sketch of Hokyuann drawn by Takekuni Ikeda


Hokyuann is a living museum.  It reminds those who stay, visit, and relate of the way human being should behave in the nature.  We will responsibly preserve this place and deliver to the world.  Your support will be greatly appreciated.



Messages from Mr. Takekuni Ikeda


The Omura Bay is such an exceptional place.  Building a seaside house requires many weatherproof solutions against storms and salt damages.  However, the Omura Bay makes construction much easier.  The water is really still but it is a real ocean.  A whale called finless porpoise have inhabited inside the bay for more than 10,000 years.  It is unbelievable.  You cannot find any other places in Japan than Hokyuann to view the sun right in front of you.  It is difficult to find such a place even worldwide.


However, it is nothing special to the locals since they grow up with the environment.  They do not notice the value so much.  They do not know how special the ocean is.  The deck of Hokyuann is facing such amazing ocean and due west.


I had never thoroughly considered the azimuth direction till I designed Hokyuann.  Modern architecture does not focus on the direction as much as before.  During World War II, I was on the light cruiser, Yahagi, and watching the sun coming up from the east and going down to the west.  At Hokyuann, I was sitting at the deck and enjoyed viewing the sunrise in the east and the sunset in the west.  It never changes.  The sun and stars always told me the date I was living.


The life in Hokyuann enabled me to live with the nature and the seasons.  It means that the places I stayed changed due to the season and the time.  In the summer, I always stayed at the deck.  In the winder, however, I was at the study on the second floor or at the fireplace on the first floor.  In the morning, I was in the kitchen or tatami room and enjoyed the morning light through the hill in the back.  In the afternoon, on the other hand, I went to the deck and enjoyed the sunset.  My favorite place changed due to the time.  I moved along with sunlight.  It sounds affluent doesn't it?


Now, I am in the middle of the 90s.  I used to visit Nagasaki as if I had visited my neighbors.  My age, however, did not allow me to do so and I was worried about Hokyuann.  At that time, my junior colleagues Mr. Nagano and Mr. Kamiguchi established Hokyuann Club.  In addition to that, Jonathan gave me an offer to maintain the hermitage.  The U.K. keeps using straw-roofed hut that is pretty similar to thatch-roofed house.  I believe that Hokyuann Club and SLOW LIFE JAPAN's perspective will make Hokyuann last.  I therfore gave full authority to the next generation.  The building will be happy in sure.  I hope they will continue their activities.  If they set a solid place for activities, people will gather.  It is important to create such place and keep using it.  Your support will be greatly appreciated.








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邦久庵は、2001年に建築家・池田武邦が終の住処として大村湾のほとりに設計した庵です。日本初の超高層ビルを設計した建築家が、自然と建物の関係を見つめ直した結果辿り着いたのは茅葺き屋根のすみかでした。 「邦久庵倶楽部」は、空き家状態となっていた邦久庵をまずは利用し、維持・管理につなげ、活用していきたいという思いで立ち上げたボランティア団体が主体です。 ・邦久庵を維持管理し、後世に残していくこと。 ・池田武邦の「自然とともに暮らす」の理念を体感してもらう場にしていくこと。 ​・ただ保存された空間ではなく、様々な文化的活動の舞台として生かすこと。 ・地元の人々に誇りと思ってもらえるような、つながりの場とすること。 邦久庵の維持管理は簡単ではない仕事です。しかし、池田武邦さんご本人からも「邦久庵をよろしく」と言って頂いたことへの責任を持って、この建物を継いでいきたいと考えています。


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Thanks letter from Mr.Takekuni IKEDA and the Club.





The following products are included.
1) Origami(folding paper) Architecture Model of Hokyuann
2) Postcards of Hokyuann shutterd by Photographer Satoshi HAYASHIDA.
3) A zine of talk event in Hokyuann(Japanese)
4) Thanks letter from Mr. Takekuni IKEDA and the Club.





Participation ticket for workshops in Hokyuann. We'll have a open-day during the repair of thatched-roof on 22nd and 23rd May, 2021.



邦久庵は、2001年に建築家・池田武邦が終の住処として大村湾のほとりに設計した庵です。日本初の超高層ビルを設計した建築家が、自然と建物の関係を見つめ直した結果辿り着いたのは茅葺き屋根のすみかでした。 「邦久庵倶楽部」は、空き家状態となっていた邦久庵をまずは利用し、維持・管理につなげ、活用していきたいという思いで立ち上げたボランティア団体が主体です。 ・邦久庵を維持管理し、後世に残していくこと。 ・池田武邦の「自然とともに暮らす」の理念を体感してもらう場にしていくこと。 ​・ただ保存された空間ではなく、様々な文化的活動の舞台として生かすこと。 ・地元の人々に誇りと思ってもらえるような、つながりの場とすること。 邦久庵の維持管理は簡単ではない仕事です。しかし、池田武邦さんご本人からも「邦久庵をよろしく」と言って頂いたことへの責任を持って、この建物を継いでいきたいと考えています。






